January 31, 2008


今次到日本, 見到不少KitKat Boxes. 雖然早陣子多得各位朋友已經collect不少, 但依然見到些新KitKat Box, 遲些回來為大家介紹

January 16, 2008


"風雲變色"可以說是現時新加坡最好的形容詞. 我指的是天氣. 在西南季候風準備來臨的影響下, 很多時候都時而放晴, 時而下雨. 這種情況在一月份更見明顯. 早上陽光普照, 簡直要找地方躲起來. 一到下午, 情況急轉直下, 天色陰暗; 忽然刮風. 有時更會打猛雷. 然後狂風暴雨一輪, 大概30 -90分鐘. 天色再次放晴, 不過氣溫比較清涼一點.
一般這些季候風季節前的大雷雨, 應該是 4, 5月及 10, 11月的. 1月份應該沒有這麼多, 奇怪! 是否又關Global Warming 事?最好天氣應該是2/3月, 唔怕熱6-9月都可以


This is another found in Singapore and HongKong
Orange Box filled with stars and hearts is eye-catching and attractive. With the very funny pumpkin man at the corner, I wonder it is a pumpkin tasted KitKat. No....It is Caramel.

Caramel & Chocolate - dual taste in the same KitKat finger. It makes me think about Caramel Coffee.............Tasty!

January 15, 2008


2008 first KitKat Collection

This is my friend bought for me from Hong Kong. It is not milk choco. It is made of vanilla bean. You may see the green spots (grinded vanilla bean) over the whoel chocolate. The bottom part of the box looks like purple silk showing the smooth of chocolate.